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The Chase Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) project is looking for volunteers to assist low-income taxpayers in filing their federal and state tax returns. 

The Chase VITA project is an opportunity to gain real client clinical experience as well as an opportunity to participate in a major anti-poverty program run through our tax system. VITA offers the opportunity to work on and hone interview, processing, and analytical skills in applying statutory rules to nuanced fact patterns involving low-income taxpayers. Volunteers will work with experienced site managers and returning volunteers.  

Volunteers are needed for VITA sites in Newport, Covington, and Florence. Virtual instruction is available via the website. Experience in tax preparation is not a prerequisite. Willingness to help and get involved is all that is needed.

For more information about the program, workshops, and operation of the sites, please contact Professor Ljubomir Nacev, nacev@nku.edu.

This pro bono opportunity is available each year from January - April. To learn more see: Chase VITA Project as a Pro Bono Opportunity (pdf).